Inspired by Sardegna (Thursday 12/21)

Thursday December 21, 2023 · Seatings from 5-9pm · $75/person (add $40 for wine pairings)

The placement of Sardegna, smack-dab in the middle of the mediterranean, west of Italy, south of French Corsica, south-east of Spain and North of Africa makes for an incredibly rich and interesting culture. Sarde, the indigenous language, is still spoken, amongst Italian and even Catalan in the north. The Sarde people are are careful to preserve the traditions of their land with various festivals of food, masks, dance, etc. Sardegna is surrounded by beautiful rocky coastline, pristine beaches, mountains and rugged landscape. The cuisine along the coast is naturally inspired by the fruits of the sea, with Cabras and the bottarga (cured mullet roe) from the west coast, while the mountain villages provide sheep, goat and their cheeses, old recipes for gorgeous pastas, and a palate for offal and wild meats (think boar, donkey, goat, lamb and horse).

Join us for a culinary journey to magical Sardegna! Seatings are available between 5 and 9pm by reservation. Follow the RSVP link to make your reservation. Large parties are welcomed and encouraged for this family-style feast. The price is $75/person and wine pairings will be available for $40/person. See the sample menu below (subject to change).

The Menu


-Pane Carasau (Sardinian paper bread)

-Sedano con Bottarga di Muggine (Shaved Celery Salad with Cured Mullet Roe)

-Polpo con Agliata Sauce (Octopus with Spicy Tomato & Vinegar)


-Freguledda Sarde con I Crostacei (Toasted cous-cous-like pasta in tomato-shrimp head broth)

-Culurgiones (Handmade pasta stuffed with potatoes, mint & cheese)


-Taglia di Manzo (Sliced Beef with Pecorino Sardo & Balsamico)

-Cassola alla Nuorese (Lamb & Goat Stew with Potatoes & Carrots)


-Torroncine (Orange Scented Semifreddo with Almonds and Walnuts over Chocolate Sauce)

Please note: This dinner is not suitable for all diets--Please check on dietary restrictions and needs in advance. While we are happy to bulk up the dishes that you can eat and be sure you're well fed, we do not offer menu substitutions.

Please note: Cancellations made less than 24 hours in advance will result in $50/person charge. Thanks for understanding!